Parents 'crazy' for Hannah Montana tickets

sábado, 8 de diciembre de 2007 |

The price of tickets to see teen music sensation Hannah Montana is soaring despite the faltering U.S. economy.

Tickets to a Saturday performance by the Disney star -- Miley Cyrus, daughter of country-western star Billy Ray Cyrus -- are going for over $4,000 a piece, the Chicago Tribune said Saturday.

Parents across the United States are offering everything from free dental work to NFL football tickets in exchange for tickets for their pre-teen daughters.

The average price for tickets on many popular Web forums is upwards of $300, more than the price to see blockbusters Justin Timberlake, Bruce Springsteen or The Police.

The face value of the most expensive Hannah Montana ticket is $66.

"It has been unbelievable," said one disc jockey on Disney Radio. "It's not so much the children, but it's the parents, responsible adults, who are going crazy."

One Chicago area dentist vowed to not pay one cent more than the face value to see the 15-year-old star, but that didn't mean she wasn't willing to wheel-and-deal.

"I'll do a root canal. I'll do a crown. I'll do a denture," she said. "If you have tickets, we'll talk."


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