Paul McCartney photographed with married Hamptons lady friend

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2007 |

He's not yet divorced, but Paul McCartney reportedly has been squiring a married New York millionaire around the Hamptons.

The ex-Beatle and MTA board member Nancy Shevell were spotted numerous times over three days last weekend - sharing walks on the beach and even a tender kiss, the London Sun reported.

McCartney, 65, was also seen visiting the 47-year-old's London hotel room in October while he and estranged wife Heather Mills were battling over their divorce in court.

Shevell, 47, is a businesswoman who is married to Bruce Blakeman, a high-powered attorney who is a commissioner for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

She recently stopped using the last name of her hubby.

Shevell and Blakeman are said to be old friends of McCartney and his late wife, Linda. They have a teenage son.

They are a powerful society couple in both Manhattan and the Hamptons, and are both big donors to President George W. Bush.

Sir Paul and his lady friend did not appear to be hiding their relationship as they hopscotched around East Hampton last weekend. They've reportedly been out together about 6 times, but have never been so public about their liaison.

They had a dinner Friday night that lasted until 3 a.m. The next day, McCartney visited Shevell's mansion and later stopped by Top Drawer lingerie, the Sun said.

The two were seen outside a movie theater and then dined on sushi at Mount Fuji. They repaired to McCartney's estate, where she spent two hours before heading home.

Sunday began with breakfast at a cafe, followed by a drive in McCartney's pickup, and a stroll on the beach. They kissed "tenderly" before he dropped her off at her home, the paper reported.

But they didn't stay apart long. She soon jumped in her car and drove to his mansion where they stayed for several hours.

Via nydailynews

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