No charges for Diddy in club attack

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2007 |

Trouble-prone rapper Sean (Diddy) Combs dodged criminal charges for an alleged bathroom beatdown last month because the victim would not cooperate with prosecutors, officials said Tuesday.

Combs was initially accused of punching 31-year-old Steven Acevedo twice in the mouth last month in SoHo's swanky Kiosk club after trading insults over Acevedo's ex-girlfriend, who is dating the rapper.

During the alleged assault, Acevedo told cops, a member of Combs' entourage boasted, "We won't shoot you. You can even hold our guns," sources said.

No weapon was displayed, and no witnesses saw a gun, sources said.

Acevedo filed a police report, but yesterday Combs' lawyer said in a written statement prosecutors would not pursue the case.

Lawyer Benjamin Brafman commended police and prosecutors for a "thorough and very fair investigation ... and not allowing this private disagreement between two acquaintances to turn into a criminal charge."

Acevedo's lawyer, Mark Heller, confirmed his client was instrumental in halting the criminal proceedings.

"Steven Acevedo was definitely violated without legal provocation in the presence of witnesses," Heller said. "Had he chosen to vigorously pursue his rights, he surely would have prevailed in a court of law."

Officials said Acevedo would not cooperate with law enforcement and had given various versions of the event.

"For those reasons, we cannot prove any charges beyond a reasonable doubt," said Barbara Thompson, a spokeswoman for the Manhattan district attorney's office.

Via nydailynews

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