Lohan mugshot used in ad

domingo, 4 de mayo de 2008 |

A mugshot of troubled actress Lindsay Lohan has been used on an advertisement attacking devices that measure drivers' blood-alcohol level before their vehicle can start.
The full-page black-and-white ad in USA Today was paid for by the American Beverage Institute, a trade group that supports the alcohol industry.

The ad reads "Ignition interlocks are a good idea for" above Lohan's mugshot from her July 24, 2007 drink-drive arrest, "But a bad idea for us" above smaller photos of people drinking.

Georgia Rule and Mean Girls actress Lohan, 21, has been in and out of rehab after two arrests last year on drink driving and cocaine charges.

"The reason we used Lohan is because she's had multiple DUIs (driving under the influence] that have been high-profile," said Sarah Longwell, managing director of the American Beverage Institute. "We needed to create the distinction for the public what someone with multiple DUIs looked like, versus a low-blood-alcohol-level first-time offender."

Via scotsman.com

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