Daria Zhukova bikini pictures

domingo, 4 de mayo de 2008 |

Roman Abramovich, the multi-billionaire owner of U.K.’s Chelsea football club, was on holiday with his girlfriend, Daria Zhukova. Roman was caught on camera, taking a succulent bite on his gal’s ass cheek. The cameraman could have used a long range lens to capture the precious shot as the couple were on Roman’s yacht, Ecstasea, anchored in the port of Gustavia, St Bart, French West Indies. Roman and Daria did some house hunting around the vicinity.

Daria Zhukova was born in Moscow but schooled in Britain. She had a fashion clothing line that was featured in Vogue magazine. Her father, Alexander, made his fortune in the oil industry. Roman and Daria might be suitably matched in wealth.

Roman held a brochure in his hand. It was supposed to be about properties.

Via stupidcelebrities.net

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