Lindsay Lohan Refused a Drink at Los Angeles Hotspot

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2007 |

Lindsay Lohan's aides are going out of their way to make sure the actress/singer stays sober after spending much of the summer in rehab -- they've told staff at all her old hangouts not to let her drink alcohol.

The star found this out for herself when she reportedly tried to order vodka at Los Angeles' Viceroy hotel on October 19.

A staff member at the hotel reveals Lohan spent an hour sipping water, but felt the need for something stronger as her friends started to get tipsy.

A source tells Life & Style magazine, "She was fine at first, but it was obviously too soon for her to be around people who were drinking, because she later asked the server for a vodka.

"But her people had called ahead and servers were told not to give in no matter how often Lindsay asked for alcohol."

Despite denials about the incident from Lohan's publicist, a guest at the Viceroy, who overheard the exchange between the actress and a waitress, tells the publication, "I heard the waitress say that she was sorry but she wasn't allowed to serve her. Lindsay walked out soon after, looking embarrassed."

Via sfgate

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