Sharon Stone faces $1 bn lawsuit for 'karma' remark

jueves, 31 de julio de 2008 |

Hollywood actress Sharon Stone is facing a $1 billion lawsuit from the victims of China's recent earthquake after she controversially blamed the natural disaster on "karma".

Stone provoked outrage with her comments at the Cannes Film Festival in May this year by linking the death of nearly 70,000 victims of the earthquake to China's treatment of the Tibetans.

Stone apologized for her lack of empathy towards the victims, but a New York lawyer, Ming Hai, is not satisfied.

He has rallied more than 1,000 survivors and victims' relatives to serve Stone with legal documents and in demanding a further apology.

"For the families who have lost their loved ones or lost limbs or suffered severe injuries, your statement and act has caused extreme emotional distress," the attorney said.

Following her remark, officials in China have threatened to ban the release of Stone's films in the country.

The actress was also dropped by French fashion house Christian Dior as the spokesmodel for its Chinese advertising campaigns.


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