Princess Eugenie frolicking naked

sábado, 14 de junio de 2008 |

Princess Eugenie of York was found frolicking naked in the grounds of her posh school during a booze-filled night with friends. Eugenie, who is the younger daughter of the Duke and Duchess of York, is said to have "frolicked like nymphs" with her classmates on the lawns of the Marlborough College, Wilts. The 18-year-old Princess has been given a severe telling off and told not to stay weekends at the school, where she has been studying for five years as a 23,000 pounds-a-year boarder.

The incident would have gone unnoticed had a senior staff member not been woken up by playful shrieks and discovering about a dozen pupils dancing around in their birthday suits under the midnight moonlight in St Trinian's-style scenes.

"The girls had been drinking, possibly in a local pub, and decided to let their hair down. It was a couple of weeks ago just before people started taking their A-levels and some find exams all a bit stressful. For some reason they stripped off and started prancing about.

"It was light-hearted and they were sort of frolicking like nymphs. But they got too noisy and staff discovered them. They had to quickly pick up their clothes and hot-foot it inside," the student added. Eugenie, who is sixth in line to the throne, is sitting A-levels in art, history of art and English.

"She and the others were told they had to go home and only return to take their exams. There were not enough staff on Saturdays and Sundays to supervise them, and they were told they couldn't be trusted to behave," an insider added. A spokeswoman for the Duchess of York declined to comment.


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